Sunday, August 1, 2010

consistency the state of always being the same in standard, form, behaviour etc*
taken from: the oxford dictionary of current english for malaysian students

i'm writing about consistency within human.
who on the face of planet earth does not like this value in a person?
i would like to think there isn't any, coz this is among the top values in my list.

think about something that makes u happy for a moment. :)

now think about the following:
-a 'person' that doesn't do what he preaches
-a 'person' that fine about something on one day, but angry about it on another

now think back about the things that makes u happy.. :)

now lets ask ourselves this: am i the 'person'?

ask real hard

have u ever say 'x never try to do anything, there is just no effort' but u yourself never did try to wear the hijab for instance?

or saying 'i dont care what people gonna say' when wearing a tight outfit but worrying so much about what people gonna say when u do not conduct yourself as u should when u wear a hijab?

ask these kind of questions really hard.
on different subjects as well.

if u r the 'person', hate that person!

n believe u have the power to chance.
begin now. do not delay.

p/s: i chose the aurat as the example subject coz the issues is so critical right now, n i'm really bothered with it. really, really bothered.