Thursday, April 28, 2011

judge, judging, judgement

this post is not about judgement day.. (in case anybody is wondering)

not so recently i watched this video:

one of the lady said: i would like u to judge me based on who i am, and what i do, not on the way i look.

so hijab has become a method to free themselves from physical judgement. they feel FREE, LIBERATED.

but unfortunately that does not happen in malaysia

girls are judged by their hijab.

nmpk je budak tudung labuh, kite ckp baik

klu tudung takat bawal 45, kite ckp biase je.

pki je tdg.. perangai taik..

tk pakai.. well u get my point

so hijab is not as liberating here in malaysia as it is in north america, or europe. it seems so demanding.

still, it is not an excuse not to wear them, or not to wear them properly.

for the public: this 'judging based on hijab size' activities has to stop.

for the girls: pakai la btul2.. kn bnde tu allah ske.. sume org pn ske..

in a nutshell: dont keep urself bz screaming at people.
if ure 'the girls', say this 2 urselves: i am wrong, no wonder they're mad
if ure 'the public' say this 2 urselves: i should stop judging, no wonder they dont want to wear it.

islam should liberates all of us. so let it.

1 comment:

  1. hehee...

    btw, kalau lah semua perempuan faham makna pakai tudung tuh bukan stakat tutup rambut jaa.. mesti diorg pakai betul2.
    insya Allah.

    masalahnya, bila orang pakai sebab fesyen, sebab so-called 'orang islam memang kena pakai tudung,' sebab mak pakai tudung (warisan).

