Thursday, November 24, 2011


aku jumpa ini di suatu pagi

sekiranya ada diantara kamu 20 org yg sabar, nescaya mereka dpt menewaskan 200 dan sekiranya di antara kamu
ada 100 org yg sabar, nescaya mekera dapat menewaskan 1000 orang kafir, disebabkan mereka (yg kafir itu)
org yg tidak mengerti.

sekarang Allah meringankn kepadamu krn dia mengetahui padamu ad kelemahan. oleh itu, sekiranya ada diantara kamu 100
org yg sabar, nescaya mereka dpt menewaskan 200 org dan sekiranya ada diantara kamu 1000 org, nescaya mereka dpt
menewaskan 2000 org dgn izin allah.
dan allah beserta org yg sabar.

ini ucapan rasulullah saw sblm perang badar..

bace semula rangkap pertama itu, 1 mampu memenangi 10, kerana mereka itu tidak mengerti.
mengerti tntg apa? tntg hidup dan tujuannya brg kali..

tp hari ini tidak begitu lg.. kita yg seakan2 tdk mengerti.. lihat saja penulisan mereka tntg hidup..
tntg cinta.. penuh dgn makna.. kita? hanya tahu 'allah jdkan manusia dan jin utk beribadah'
tp tidak mengerti satu apapun tntg itu.. tntg hidup..

ilmu itu makna.. selain itu maklumat.. al-quran yg kita baca, hanya akn jadi ilmu sekiranya kita cari dn jumpa maknanya..
jika tidak.. kitab agung itu cuma maklumat..

btul kau kata mereka hanya hidup untuk dunia.. sungguh kau tiada salah tntg itu..
tp tafsiran mereka tntg hidup mereka yg 1 itu jauh lebih dalam dari tafsiran hidup kita yg 2..
kita cuma tahu kita punyai duniawi, dan ukhrawi.. tnpa pengisian..
kita cuma tahu jdkn kehidupan ukhrawi sbgi alasan utk gagal duniawi..
malang sggh kita.. nmpk sabar sggh org yg begitu bkn?

tp fahamilah itu bkn sabar..
itu bkn golongan 'org yg sabar' yg dimaksudkan rasulullah
ak tdk menulis ini bkn utk menyatakan ak sudah thu erti hidup.. ak juga masih mencari.. jauh lg perjalananku..
ak mahu mengajak kamu mencari bersama.. supaya kita dpt jd 'org yg sabar' itu..

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

anology hidup pensel kayu

byk anologi yg kite bole buat tntg hidup ni..
tp ak pling suke yg ni..

hidup ni mcm pensel kayu yg ade pemadam kt hujung lg satu
biar luar tu buruk.. jgn matenye..
bile kite tulis.. mesti ade silap.. tp kite diberi peluang untuk 'padam'kn
kite 'tumpul' jugk lambat laun.. so kne 'asah'.. sakit bile 'asah'.. tp tu yg kite perlu lalu untuk jd 'tajam' balik..
kite akn diasah smpi kite dh tk cukup pnjg utk digune..
jd gunelah mate tu untuk tulis yg elok2..


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

to express or to suspend?


its been quite a while since i last wrote something here..

well not bcoz i dont have anything to write, but if u read all my post, i question things, so for the past few months, it seem like all my questions seem to have an answer.. its either that or im just lazy to write.. :)

the latest question.. to speak, or not to speak(good things)

it is clear cut that rasulullah saw said that if dont have anything good to say, dont say anything.. simple.. precise..

here's the thing, u have something good to say, express it or keep it to yourself?
kindda silly to ask
u may be thinking 'if its a good thing, just say it la'
yes it is but not quite..

one thing i know, when we talk, others dont, thus we can only listen to ourself.
its nothing bad, but i think its a pity..
coz u have the chance to get any new input..

there's always next time u might think.. true.. absolutely.. im not going to write about 'u dont even know if u have the next second' type of argument here, instead, i like to invite u to reflect on any group of friends u have.
ask this: who usually talks the most?

most likely its the same person each time..

my point is that if u talk once, u'll do most of the talking. even if there is a next time, it'll be u again. thus u wont have the chance to listen.

to me the chance to listen is magical. especially if u have the chance to listen to someone that doesnt talk that much. u'll be surprise.

a friend who does not really seems to be very pious can be the one who define the most complex topic to us, who make sense about things that barely make any.

another prospect is giving advice.. we tend give it too soon.. way too soon..
i always believe that there's reasons for every choice that a particular person made.
i really things that it is an act of disrespect if u say that his or her choice is wrong without hearing the reasons behind it.

still it is a choice, yours for u, mine for me, it might be different, but im sure there's a reason behind ur choice that i should respect. so go on, if u think expressing is better. 'khilaf is a blessing' rasulullah saw once said. :)
im not writing this to promote my choice, or to chance the choices u have made, im just inviting u to think.

a balance between both migth be the best option.. but where is the midpoint? can u point it?

p/s: im talking about choices regarding subjective matter, i.e non-obligatory

Sunday, July 10, 2011

being ambitious


we all know what this word is all about.. the bigger the better..
not trying to change that, coz all successes starts with an ambition.. no ambition, no success. simple.

so what's wrong here?

nothing is wrong, but i want to invite u to think about something..

when ure being ambitious, u want something. when u want something, u dont want that something else.

in short ambitious is directly proportional to wanting something, and not wanting that something else..

here comes the issue.. when u r being too ambitious, not wanting that something else has become hating that something else and everything that is attached to it.

here's an example: u want to live in a château so bad to the point where u hate those who live in a flat appartent.

dont blame ambition on this.. its not the guilty party.. i really dont think that being ambitious is wrong.. even if ure being too ambitious, i still dont think its wrong..

but it became a problem when u hate everything that is attached to that something else.. coz u really shouldnt..

go and find a way to still be ambitious without hating the things attached to that something else

but here r some suggestions:

we all want to win, we all hate to lose..
hate losing, dont hate the loosers..

Monday, May 16, 2011

aku mahu berbicara tentang sabar

kite sume tahu kepentingn sabar..
dn aku tk nk cerite pn psl kepentingn sabar ni..

aku cume nk ubah ape yg aku rase sbgi slh fhm tntg sbr ni..

sabar itu bkn tidak berbuat ape2

ak tk ckp yg kite kne pukul balik org yg pukul kite

tp ak ckp psl musibah yg dtg kerana kite

results exam tk power.. kite ckp 'sabar la'
bg ak yg kurg ilmu ni.. tu bkn sabar cik adik oi..
itu putus ase! nk kasar lg kufur!

sbbnye ko mmpu usehe tp ko tk usehe pn

ko accident sbb ko bawak laju.. time ko kt hospital ko ckp 'sabar, ini kn musibah'
tu bukan musibah der.. tu cari pasal.. yg ko ptut ckp bkn sabar, tp pdn muke..
dn itu juge bukn sabar.. sbb klu ko sabar ko tk speeding pn..

ade bnde psl organisasi yg ko tk puas ati..
ko akn ckp mls a nk complain.. nnt jwpnnye same jugk 'sabar la'
baik ak diam je.. diam tu kn sabar..

ko mmg amat pandai!!

klu sume org dlm aircraft industry adelah org cm ko.. ak tk naik kpl terbang la cite die.. aku naik kpl terbang sbb aku tahu terbang adelah salah satu transport yg paling selamat. knp paling selamat?
sbb diorg akn improve safety setiap kali lps ade aircrash.

klu sume org dlm aircraft industry tu bersabar seperti kau bersabar..
setiap kali crash.. 'sabar la, dh takdir'
skali lg aku ulang.. itu bukan sabar, itu putus ase!!

penyiasatan, pelaburan, kajian, dan tindakan yg diambil selepas aircrash tu, itu barulah sabar namenye.. sbb mcm2 diorg kne buat

same a cm klu kite cube improve results exam kite.. kne tmbh mse blaja ke, tuka care blaja ke.. byk bnde kn kne buat.. itu bru ujian.. nk lalu ujian tu kne sabar..
tk buat ape2 itu bukan sabar..

berbalik pd organisasi pulak.. klu ko diam je.. mmg tkkn improve a organisasi ko..
tp igt.. bkn ak tulis ni nk bg ko lesen nk maki hamun org dlm organisasi tu..
sbb itu pn bkn sabar.. tu terburu-buru namenye.. bincang la elok2.. klu agak2 time tu ko tk bole nk bincang elok2 sbb ko tgh emo.. ko ilek a dulu.. dh agk2 rasional br a discuss.. sbb kn ak dh tulis kt atas tu.. nk improve it lg ssh, n perlukn sabar.. tk buat ape2 tk perlukn ape2 pn..

dn ko still nk istilahkn tk buat ape2 itu sabar??

aku tulis ni bkn nk menidakkan ilmu sesiape.. mintk maaf la klu ade sesiape yg rse cmtu.. ak cume nk invite korg utk fikir psl ni..

moge bermanfaat

Friday, May 13, 2011

aku juga

aku juga separti kamu
tidak sempurna, penuh cacat cela
aku juga seperti kamu
selalu berdosa pada yang maha Esa
aku juga seperti kamu
ada kala hebat, ada kala tidak
aku juga seperti kamu
selalu lupa bersyukur, selalu pula kufur
aku juga seperti kamu
ada jatuh, ada bangun
aku juga seperti kamu
masih lagi mencari diri
aku juga seperti kamu
masih ada dosa yang belum mampu aku buang
aku juga seperti kamu..

jika aku seperti kamu, kenapa perlu aku tulis?
kenapa perlu aku beri tahu ang kita serupa?

kerna aku ingin ajak kamu, kau, aku, kita, dia, mereka untuk tidak putus asa

apa kau tengah repekkan ini?
putus asa dari apa?

putus asa dengan Tuhan!
ramai aku dengar
kiri, kanan, depan, belakang
begitu ramai yang melafaz
aku tidak baik, sudah tiada harapan

sungguh, jgn begitu..
Tuhan itu tidak seperti aku, kau kita, dia, mereka
yang mudah jelek memberi ampun
tidak.. Tuhan jauh dari itu

jangan putus asa sahabat
jangan putus asa kawan
jangan putus asa

jangan biar aku sendirian meminta
jangan biar aku sendirian meminta
jangan biar aku sendirian meminta

jika kau fikir kau idak lagi punya harapan..


aku juga seperti kamu

Thursday, April 28, 2011

judge, judging, judgement

this post is not about judgement day.. (in case anybody is wondering)

not so recently i watched this video:

one of the lady said: i would like u to judge me based on who i am, and what i do, not on the way i look.

so hijab has become a method to free themselves from physical judgement. they feel FREE, LIBERATED.

but unfortunately that does not happen in malaysia

girls are judged by their hijab.

nmpk je budak tudung labuh, kite ckp baik

klu tudung takat bawal 45, kite ckp biase je.

pki je tdg.. perangai taik..

tk pakai.. well u get my point

so hijab is not as liberating here in malaysia as it is in north america, or europe. it seems so demanding.

still, it is not an excuse not to wear them, or not to wear them properly.

for the public: this 'judging based on hijab size' activities has to stop.

for the girls: pakai la btul2.. kn bnde tu allah ske.. sume org pn ske..

in a nutshell: dont keep urself bz screaming at people.
if ure 'the girls', say this 2 urselves: i am wrong, no wonder they're mad
if ure 'the public' say this 2 urselves: i should stop judging, no wonder they dont want to wear it.

islam should liberates all of us. so let it.

Sunday, April 10, 2011



we are all different..
thus we appreciate different things
some might say linkin park is rubbish..
some might say they are inspirational..
its what we all call subjective matter..
and all over the world we listen to people say about embracing the difference..

but do we?
do we really embracing it?

maybe this can ring some bell in those thick skull of ours:
the topic of religious related culture..
try these:

how many times we simply label people as 'tkde adab' when that people say things that against our understanding

how many times we force people to look at a certain things the way we do just because
we are on the right side ie the religious side
eg: the topic of aurat

how many times we say someone as 'aqidah tk kuat' when that individual ask questions that u dont dare to ask (or maybe we just not smart enough to think about it)

for u who read this post might think i have something against this religious side, no i dont.

all im trying to say is,even if what u're saying is the absolute truth, it does not give u the right to say it to their face and hurting them.
unless all u care is delivering the facts.

facts need to be delivered, i understand that.
but facts is not some DHL parcel that u have to deliver as soon as possible.

my suggestion is, understand that person first. do not say anything from ur side until u really understand them. then make them think. let them ask, only then u deliver the facts.
if they dont ask. it just not the time yet.

they may not ask u again. but if they care enough about it, they will look for the answer elsewhere.

it takes time. it is painfully slow. thats why Allah really love those who are patience i guess (trying to be one)


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

when the wing stalls

u learned: life is a test.. it will be hard.. all that good stuff

u dig it through that thick skull of yours..
understand it.. believe it..

u developed tis sort of confidence that u will never be sad again..


unfortunately knowing this does not break your fall..

it does not change the value of G ie 9.81 m/s^2

you will still attain the terminal velocity if you're high enough..

i guess it really is a test

conclusion: make your own