Monday, October 4, 2010

about pulling the trigger

i'm not known for a high level of patience.. i.e: im reckless.

reckless in my judgement, in my choice of words.. all of it..
paid some price for that in the past..

it's just hard not to pull the trigger when u have a really good tone..

i mean..
if u r somewhere, with someone who is doing a wrong thing (any kind of wrong),
its hard to just ignore it.
hard to keep urself from giving a cynical smile, let alone a shake of the head.
u wont be able to understand them.. coz ure too bz judging n punishing..

u probably saying, they did wrong, they deserve those treatment as a punishment..

not quiet people,

they need help, n those treatment is not doing them any good..

i knew this, a so does most of u..

but like i said.. its hard not to pull the trigger..


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